Tyler Templer
Tyler Templer — Wilmar, MN
Tyler hails from Wilmar, MN with his wife and 3 kids. Tyler is an engineer for a local Orthotics and Prosthetics company in Wilmar. He was born and raised on Norway Lake near New London, MN where his grandparents had a fishing resort. His earliest memories in life revolved around fishing, swimming or being on/in the water in some way. For the most part he has been spearing fish with his father since he was about 5 years old. All of this experience in the outdoors, coupled with his education in Engineering & Graphic Design has lead to his dream of making spearing decoys. He currently makes 7 different fish and animal species for spearing. All of his decoys are designed from real fish using the most high end 3d scanners. From there he sculpts the fish with 3d design software and engineer them for swim functionality in other design software. Then they are printed and manufactured. After the decoy bodies are manufactured, he then installs the necessary hardware such as fins, eyelets, etc. Next he paints and seals them. Finally, he injects them with a scented gel to help increase attractiveness for the fish before packaging them.